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Could Colored Rice Brighten the Menu for Diabetics in the Future?

Researchers examined the ability of colored rice bran extracts to stimulate glucose uptake.

Nutrition Corner: Recipes

Get cooking with these great recipes from Cooking with Science!

Sorghum Bran Rises as an Ingredient for Enhancing Gluten-Free Bread

Sorghum bran could provide both good flavor and nutritional value to gluten-free breads.

How Does Your Plate Stack Up?

What do your food plates look like, and how do they compare to the USDA’s MyPlate? Let’s find out.

Take the Healthy Eating Challenge

How do you know if the food you eat is nutritious? Take the Nutrition Challenge, to find out.

New Nutrition Publications

The National Agricultural Library is making it easier to stay up-to-date with new nutrition research!

Late Summer Fruits and Vegetables

Test your knowledge of late summer fruits and vegetables at your local farm or farmers market. How many can you find?

How Do You Hydrate?

Add color and flavor to your water by making fruity ice cubes at home.

Nutrition Coloring Pages

Did you know there are five food groups that help us stay healthy? Just download, print and get coloring!

Keeping Food Safe in Your Kitchen

The USDA has an app, called Food Keeper, to help you learn how to store the foods that you eat properly!

Popcorn: A Healthy, Whole Grain Snack

Did you know that popcorn is a 100 percent whole grain? Learn more about popcorn.

Build Your Own Healthy Plate

Do you know what food groups are part of a healthy plate? MyPlate can help you build a healthy eating routine and can be used for kids and adults of all ages!

Bacteria Can Be Good For Your Stomach

The bacteria that live and work together to keep you healthy are called the “gut microbiota.”

Plant-based Meals

With some planning, it is easy to combine plant-based foods throughout the day.

Healthy Snacking for Power Learning

Healthy snacks can give you energy when you are hungry between meals.

Fueling With Breakfast

Starting the day with a healthy breakfast can help you stay focused and energized while learning.

What Is Fiber Anyway?

Discover what fiber is and why it's important to eat it.

Online Tools to Help Fuel Your Day

Healthy eating is healthy living with these online tools.

Healthy Eating Q&A

Nutrition experts Dr. Patrice Armstrong and Colleen Sideck, from the Food and Human Nutrition Information Center, answer questions and provide tips

What is the Nutrition Facts Label?

The Nutrition Facts label provides a suggested serving size and can help you learn how much of each nutrient you are eating.

Vitamins and Minerals in Foods

Discover what the different vitamins and minerals do and how to choose foods that contain them.

What is a Food Allergy?

Learn more about food allergies and how to stay safe

Pick Your Pumpkins and Eat Them Too!

Pumpkins are fun to carve, but they are also a favorite ingredient for many people!