We’re going to learn about a very small fungus, called yeast. Let’s find out how this special fungus helps us make bread.
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Several types of invasive Asian carp threaten rivers and the Great Lakes. ARS researchers and commerce are using a two-pronged ‘fork’ approach to deal with the invasive fish.
Aug 09, 2023 -
What happens if we put hydrogen peroxide and yeast together in a large quantity?
Jun 14, 2023 -
Researchers at the ARS Food Processing and Sensory Quality Research Unit in New Orleans, LA, are conducting research to ensure better quality of U.S. catfish.
May 17, 2023 -
Do different types of apples have the same number of seeds? Try this fun data analysis and collection experiment for elementary school students.
Apr 26, 2023 -
In aquaponics, fish and plants are grown together in a system where the fish live in a tank and their waste is broken down by bacteria into fertilizer for plants.
Jan 04, 2023