Agriculture's impact on the planet depends on how it’s practiced.
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ARS scientists have invented a new way to keep waste out of landfills, make consumer products safer, and reduce dangerous emissions – all at the same time.
May 24, 2023 -
ARS offices, employees and locations around the country are strongly encouraged to participate in STEM outreach opportunities aimed at increasing literacy in science, technology, engineering and math for students of all ages.
Nov 15, 2023 -
Learn about this innovative approach that’s helping farmers grow their crops more efficiently – and sustainably.
Jul 26, 2023 -
The ARS Pollinator Health in Southern Crop Ecosystems Research Unit in Stoneville, MS recently set up a new apiary!
May 24, 2023 -
ARS researchers have discovered that the condition of soil dramatically affects how well grasslands can sequester carbon in the soil.
Mar 01, 2023 -
ARS scientists have identified a possible tool to fight the invasion of the Brazilian peppertree.
Jan 25, 2023