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Great Grains: Ancient Grains Deliver Health Benefits

Grains are the edible seeds of cereal crops such as wheat, rice, barley, oats and corn. A human nutrition study at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging reaffirmed the health benefits of substituting whole-grain foods for refined-grain products like white bread in the diet. Unlike refined grains, which undergo extensive milling or other processing, whole grains are sold for eating with their bran and other constituents intact—all rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. Three healthy grains are farro, teff, and sorghum. 

  • Farro, considered an ancient grain, is a nutty tasting whole grain in the wheat family. It's a good source of fiber and contains potassium, B vitamins and more protein than wheat.

  • Sorghum is the fifth-most widely grown cereal grain crop worldwide, providing consumers with 12 essential nutrients.

  • Teff is a gluten-free cereal grain containing 13% protein.

It's important to note that not everyone can eat all grains. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), about 2 million people in the United States have an autoimmune condition known as celiac disease. People affected with this serious disease are unable to consume gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Fortunately, sorghum and teff are known as alternative grains, those not containing gluten.

In these episodes our ARS researchers team up with culinary chefs Eric McCoy and David Milburn (Howard Community College Culinary Arts Program in Columbia, MD) to create wonderful dishes using the ancient grains farro, sorghum, and teff.

You'll learn how to make a delightful and beautiful farro and pomegranate salad, the best chicken and waffles (with hot honey sauce) you've ever tasted, and ultra-tasty gluten-free chocolate chip cookies, made from teff flour while learning  about the health and nutritional benefits of these ancient grains.

Featured Video

Mouthwatering Recipes Made From Grains

Get cooking with great recipes from culinary chefs Eric McCoy and David Milburn. 

ARS Research on Grains

New Genetic Test Safeguards Quinoa From Foe

A new test could give growers an edge against downy mildew disease of quinoa. 

Sorghum Bran for Gluten-Free Bread

Sorghum bran can enhance gluten-free bread's nutritional value without compromising its flavor.

Intermediate Wheatgrass Kernza®

Kernza® can be used in many products as a substitute for traditional wheat.

All Hail the Whole Grain!

A study reaffirmed the health benefits of substituting whole-grain foods for refined-grain products like white bread in the diet.

Alternative Grains

ARS researchers are evaluating ways to use gluten-free alternatives, like amaranth, in popular products like cookies and pasta.

Get Popping with Oats!

ARS helped a small company to develop a healthy new snack food made from groats.

New Breakfast Cereal Made With ARS Wheat

A breakfast cereal made its commercial debut in 2019 contains a type of wheat developed by Agricultural Research Service  breeders.

From Staple to Star

ARS researchers are developing new colorful rice varieties with improved nutrition and taste.

Making Cookies With Ancient Grains

ARS scientists blended oats with chia seeds and amaranth to make treats like sugar cookies that are tasty and good for your health.

Strengthening Sorghum

ARS and Purdue University scientists identified a gene that could help sorghum withstand the fungus that causes anthracnose disease.

ARS Labs Conducting Research on Grains

Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Beltsville, MD     
Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, Manhattan, KS                                                  
Cereal Crops Research Unit , Madison, WI                                                  
Cereal Disease Lab, St. Paul, MN                                                  
Corn, Soybean and Wheat Quality Research, Wooster, OH      
Crop Improvement and Genetics Research, Albany, CA             
Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center , Stuttgart, AR             
Eastern Regional Small Grains Genotyping Laboratory, Raleigh, NC             
Grain Legume Genetics Physiology Research , Pullman, WA                
Grain Quality and Structure Research, Manhattan, KS                
Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research, Manhattan, KS             
Peanut and Small Grains Research Unit, El Reno, OK                  
Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research, Aberdeen, ID    
Wheat Health, Genetics, and Quality Research, Pullman, WA 
Wheat, Sorghum and Forage Research, Lincoln, NE                  


USDA MyPlate – whole grains and refined grains.

Harvard University: Whole Grains – The Nutrition Source