Good News Coffee Drinkers, There's an App for That!

Hawaii’s unique climate and volcanic soils make it an ideal growing location for several distinctive crops, including coffee and macadamia nuts. Recently, however, Kona coffee—one of Hawaii's most legendary and valuable agricultural crops—has been under increasing threats from two economically devasting foes, coffee berry borer and coffee leaf rust.
Coffee leaf rust is a fungal pathogen that results in severe defoliation. Until 2020, Hawaii was the only major coffee producing region that was free of coffee leaf rust. The coffee berry borer, an insect pest that causes millions in losses of coffee beans each year, was discovered in Hawaii in 2010.
The delicious macadamia nut, another one of Hawaii's legendary crops, is also under threat from insect infestations and diseases. Early detection and identification of these threats is crucial.
Now, a team of ARS researchers in Hilo, HI, is providing growers with new apps to help manage these threats. Check out the apps.